Patent Borough

Updated production instructions of design patent specifications and drawings

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Bureau (TIPO) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced on September 13, 2023 a new version of the production instructions for design patents specifications and drawings. The focus is that drawings related to architectural design or interior design must have sufficient views, such as three-dimensional views, six-sided views or multiple three-dimensional views, to fully illustrate all the content of the proposed design. In other words, the drawing must use a "three-dimensional view" to show the overall interior appearance of the proposed design and an orthographic view showing the interior perspective. The drawing principle of each view should be based on each design feature or object in the interior space. If the attached internal view plane is projected and drawn, the title of each view should be marked as "front view of internal view", "rear view of internal view", etc. as to avoid confusion with the labeling of the six-sided views from the general perspective. For example, the "front view from the internal perspective" mainly shows the wall itself and the objects attached to the wall, and the "bottom view from the internal perspective" mainly shows the features of the ceiling and the surface attached to the ceiling.
The Bureau also implemented the revised regulations on accelerated examination or deferred examination of design patent applications on September 1, 2023, as follows:
1. Acceleration in examination
As long as the applicant meets one of the following three reasons, the applicant will receive a notification of the examinaion result within 2 months after the filing date:
(1) Third-party commercial implementation;
(2) The requested design has won famous domestic and foreign design awards;
(3) Design patent applications for new start-ups enterprises.
2. Delay in examination
Whether the application claims priority or not, the deferred period will be one year from the filing date.

(Above content is reproduced from the official website of the TIPO)